Travel South Dakota’s Visitation Forecast Model is a real-time estimate of what the volume of visitation might be 45 days out.
The model utilizes several data sources to function. The Adara Ecosystem provides hotel booking data. This data is sourced at a level of detail to allow an understanding of not just the booking itself, but when travelers will be staying in a destination. This is joined with STR reports to understand how well the booking data correlates with occupancy percentages at a real level, as well as transient lodging occupancy. To forecast beyond that, an Exponential Smoothing Model is deployed. Exponential Smoothing takes into account historical data, seasonal trends, and seasonal data to predict what visitation volume will look like three to four weeks out.
For more information, please contact Calvin Bloemendaal or call 605-773-3301.
(Please note that the dashboards are best viewed on desktop or laptop.)
For more information, please contact Calvin Bloemendaal, Research Manager & Industry Liaison, at 605-773-3301 or [email protected].