The Global Marketing & Brand Strategy team is responsible for working with our marketing agencies to develop, execute and manage our year-round domestic and international marketing campaigns in key strategic markets.
Together, the teams conceive the creative elements in our work, media tactics and schedules, and overall marketing strategy. The team works on omni-channel campaigns that utilize TV and Connected TV, digital, paid social media, print, audio and digital audio (podcasts + streaming), email, Out-of-Home (billboards + activations), and consumer and industry websites. The team also administers a robust cooperative marketing program that provides matching funds and opportunities to various South Dakota tourism industry partners that connect to our overall marketing efforts.

- Directs Global Marketing strategy and efforts
- Directs Global Marketing campaigns
- Directs & implements Brand Standards

- Manages Global Marketing strategy and campaigns
- Manages joint strategy and efforts with other South Dakota government departments
- Helps manage and implement Brand Standards

- Manages Global Marketing cooperative marketing partnerships
- Manages Community Cooperative Marketing program
- Manages A La Carte Cooperative Marketing program